Monday 12 December 2011


Wow, so I'm not very good at this blogging thing...
Christmas is fast approaching and it's a little surreal that it's almost here and that Jack is almost 6 months old.  This year I find myself watching people with older kiddo's (i.e. my sister and her kids especially), and my friends who all have toddlers, and I can't wait to get Christmas interaction with Jack.  My sister and several friends to the "elf on the shelf" and all the kids LOVE it!  I get almost daily updates from my 7 year old neice and 3yr old nephew on where "Rodoulph" was found that day!  Also the letters to Santa, etc...  Not that I'm in a hurry for Jack to grow up, I love this stage where he cuddles and loves on me, but Christmas has always been my favorite holiday and I can't wait to share that with Jack.

It's also hard this year because this is the first Christmas without my mom. :(  Having a new baby makes it easier not to focus on it, but I'm finding myself more and more wanting to pick up the phone and call Mom to share in Jack's latest and greatest... I feel her prescence which may be what makes it harder because I think about her all the time, but it's different still... I miss chit-chatting with her on the phone. 

Jack's Latest and Greatest:
Jack has started eating solids! He doesn't like cereal very much... He will tolerate Barley and Oatmeal but hates rice!
Jack's tried Applesauce and Carrots... He LOVES applesauce...and I'm currently trying to convince him that carrots were not produced by the devil...although I don't like carrots either....